Have you decided to take up metal detecting as a hobby? Your metal detector will be the most important purchase you make. Maybe you’re new to metal detecting or looking to upgrade your detector. You want to buy a new metal detector, but there are various brands to choose from. It isn’t easy. That is why you require comprehensive advice on how to choose a metal detector.
With the appropriate assistance, you’ll be able to get the best metal detector and begin enjoying this sport right away. Let’s look at everything you need to know about before purchasing the right metal detector.
How to Choose a Metal Detector
1. Type
a) Very-Low Frequency(VLF)
Beginners and intermediate treasure hunters frequently use it. VLF metal detectors are inexpensive. A suitable model (6-15 kHz frequency range) is available for detecting coins, jewels, gold, and relics. VLF detectors range in price from $100 to $1,000.
b) Multi-frequency
There are various frequency possibilities available with these detectors. To search for specific targets, you can alter the frequency. Such detectors can cost upwards of $500.
c) Pulse Induction(PI)
PI metal detectors are the most sophisticated machines available. They look further than the pair above. In saline settings, the an expert hunter employs pulse induction metal detector to look for diamonds. The detectors are expensive, costing upwards of $1000.
2. Budget
Have you made a budget for yourself? Does your total budget include the detector and accessories or simply the machine? Gloves, digging tools, and coil covers to preserve your search coil are necessary treasure-seeking supplies. Find out everything you’ll need for a day on the field in this basic kit.
The best metal detectors have a general rule of thumb: the more you pay, the more advanced functions the machine has. However, metal detector prices vary widely depending on a variety of elements and the manufacturer.
For individuals on a tight budget, the cheapest variants are accessible. Consider a range of $100 to $200 or $300 to $500 as a starting point. These versions can detect coins, jewelry, and other common objects.
A more expensive model will set you back anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000. Because this is such a large range, some devices can give rudimentary detecting capabilities for various ground conditions. However, the higher-end models have advanced capabilities best suited for professionals or people who make a living out of metal detecting.
3. Discrimination
A metal detector’s discrimination refers to its capacity to distinguish between different sorts of material. For example, a detector with strong discrimination can distinguish between a valuable silver or gold coin and a bottle cap.
Having a detector with good discrimination saves you time because you won’t have to start digging up a target only to discover it’s garbage. Instead, the detector will only raise an alarm if it detects an object that satisfies the pre-determined parameters.
Most modern devices either have auto-adjusting capabilities or allow users to modify the settings manually. Some metal detectorists choose not to discriminate because they want to find anything metal, including artifacts and gold.
4. Ground Balance
Trace levels of metals and metal alloys can be found in the soil. These traces can obstruct a metal detector’s ability to discover coins, jewelry, and other metal objects no matter where it is used. Metal detectors with a ground balance feature, on the other hand, can ignore these metals, thereby lowering erroneous results. Ground balance can be divided into four categories:
- Interference is detected and adjusted automatically via automatic ground balance. The user is not required to take any action.
- The user has no control over the pre-set ground balance. The device can overlook tiny interferences that fall below this threshold since the manufacturer tests and determines the baseline for detection.
- The user can alter the manual ground balance settings to fit the target they’re after. Beginners unfamiliar with setting ground balance properly may find using a detector with this feature difficult.
- The user can manually set the ground balance level or leave it on an automatic setting with multiple ground balances.
5. Target Identification
This function enables you to recognize each of your targets. Discrimination is improved by using a metal detector with target identification. For example, this type of metal detector can typically tell the difference between jewelry, rubbish, gold, and even different denominations of money.
Most detectors feature five or six indicator symbols for common findings, like coins. Instead, go with a detector with many target IDs to give your search more variation and make it easier.
6. Type of Target

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Consider where you’ll be utilizing your metal detector and the types of targets you’ll be looking for before deciding on a product. You should get a metal detector with waterproof coils or one that is entirely submersible If you live near the beach, a lake, or a major river and want to explore beach metal detecting.
VLF detectors are a good alternative for history enthusiasts looking for Civil War or other historically significant antiquities. This is because they can distinguish between screws and coins. However, some relic hunters prefer PI detectors since they will detect most metal artifacts in a given location, allowing them to filter through all of the metallic treasures they locate.
7. Operating Frequency
The number of times per second that a metal detector transmits and receives a signal is known as its operating frequency. Low-frequency metal detectors can search deeper into the ground, making them ideal for locating huge, buried objects thanks to their great detection depth capabilities. Most but not all metal detectors operate in the low- to medium-frequency band.
If you’re looking for gold nuggets or little objects, you might want to use a gadget with a higher frequency. High-frequency metal detectors have a lower penetration depth than low-frequency metal detectors. The high frequency of the transmissions allows them to detect minuscule items that would defy a low-frequency detector.
8. Sensitivity
A metal detector’s sensitivity refers to how well it can detect conductive elements from a given distance. The recommended sensitivity level for most metal detectors is labeled on them and is suitable for most applications.
Most metal detectors nowadays are built to be extremely sensitive. This means they can detect signals of treasure items hidden beneath high-mineralized soils. This feature also enables detectors to detect corroded metals due to exposure to the elements for an extended period. Metal detectors typically operate at frequencies between 6.4 and 20 kHz.
Users can alter the settings to suit the environment in which they are metal detecting. Just keep in mind that if you set the detector’s sensitivity too high for the application, you’ll probably get a lot of distortion and static instead of clear indicator sounds. Conversely, you can resolve the problem by lowering the sensitivity.
9. Search Depth
The search depth of a metal detector refers to how far it can search for conductive material. When buying metal detectors, you’ll notice that they frequently state how deep they can go. While it is impossible to determine exactly how deep the metal detector can detect target objects, it should give you a rough notion.
The typical search depth varies widely amongst items, ranging from 2 to 15 inches. As a result, entry-level detectors can typically detect items that aren’t too deep. On the other hand, professional range models can detect objects much deeper than these models.
It’s also worth noting that several circumstances can influence the detector’s capacity to locate a target. Some of these considerations are the size of the object, its orientation in the earth, the amount of time it has been buried in the ground, and the ground conditions. For example, high-frequency detectors have a lower maximum depth rating than lower-frequency detectors.
10. Coil Size
The depth of treasure hunting grounds determines the diameter of a metal detector’s coil. This means you’ll be able to search deeper into your hunting areas if you have a large coil. A medium-sized coil allows you to search 7 to 9 inches deep.
Smaller coils may search up to 6 inches deep and are better at detecting smaller objects in a high-trash region. On the other hand, a larger coil is recommended for deep searching.
11. Weight

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The weight of a metal detector is often ignored, but it should not be. You’ll be carrying a metal detector about for a long time. Choose one with which you will not struggle so that you may concentrate on the readings and your results. What is the purpose of the detector?
Is it for you, a child, or as a present? The Bounty Hunter Junior model is designed specifically for youngsters and fits children aged six and up. A metal detector that isn’t too heavy and can be adjusted to a suitable height is required for children. Anyone with back or shoulder issues should avoid heavy detectors since they may aggravate existing health problems.